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Student Grant Recipients


MPIF is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2025 Conference Grants for PowderMet2025.org & AMPM2025.org to be held June 15-18 in Phoenix.

Grants are awarded to 41 students representing 21 universities. 

The following students are awarded grants for Phoenix:

   CPMT/Axel Madsen Student Grant Recipients

Concordia University
•    Ritam Vajpeyi
Laval University
•    Simon Mercier
Pennsylvania State University, DuBois
•    Zakk Walters
•    Samuel Yount

CPMT/Axel Madsen Conference Grants History

Axel Madsen was well-known in the PM industry as a successful entrepreneur. He co-founded Allied Sinterings, Inc., Danbury, CT, in 1959. The company began in a converted diner with four employees and went on to develop a successful niche business producing high-precision, small, and intricate PM parts. Madsen was a creative toolmaker and an expert on high-precision PM parts. He was active in the Powder Metallurgy Parts Association (PMPA) of MPIF and served as a director.

The Axel Madsen Conference Grant Program was established by his family to encourage students to learn more about PM technology and pursue careers in the PM industry. Annually, four students receive full registration to the annual conference and a stipend for travel and lodging.

   MPIF Student Grant Recipients

California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA)    
• Aye Thiri Khaing
• Raffi Shirinian
• Cristian Soria Lopez
• Nathan W. Stoetzel
Carnegie Mellon University
• Sarah Birchall
Florida Gulf Coast University
• Maya Yagan
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
• Wei Huang
Iowa State University
• Belle Finney
Kent State University
• Noman Alias Ghulamullah
Lehigh University
• Gokalp Cetin
North Carolina State University (NCSU)
• Victoria Himelstein
Northwestern University 
• Benjamin Labiner
• Md Shovon Zahid
Oregon State University
• Nahal Ghanadi
Pennsylvania State University, DuBois
• Julie Hedlund
• Ezeck Olinger
• Hope Spuck
• Lucas Williams

Purdue University in Indianapolis
• Andrew Gillespie
• Liwei Zhang
Purdue University in West Lafayette 
• Sivasubramanian Chandramouli
• Bianka Pajo
University of Louisville
•    Monem Moktadir
•    Krishna Sai Aparna Munjuluri
•    Naiyer Shokri
•    Hassan Soltani
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
•    Tien Herd
University of Texas at El Paso
•    Angel Bravo
•    Cesar Lopez
•    Luis Marquez Papadakis
•    Hernan Valenzuela
University of Utah
•    Zhaozhen Huang
•    Alex Hyatt
•    Cole Walker
University of Wisconsin - Madison
•    Ali Nabaa
•    Liam Wood
Virginia Tech
•    Amanda Wei

Interested in hearing more from our Student Grant Recipients? Visit the Grant TNT: Talk ‘N Technology Sessions through the conference. The full schedule and topics will be available soon on the conference website and mobile app.

A Student Resume Board will be on display at the conference as well as available on the conference mobile app. Please take a moment to look at these outstanding students as possible employees or interns in your company. For additional information, please contact Stephanie Schember at sgibbs@mpif.org.

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