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Two Related Yet Distinct Powder Metallurgy Technologies Meet in One Location!


What is PowderMet and AMPM?

The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) and APMI International bring together powder metallurgy (PM): press & sinter, metal additive manufacturing (AM), and metal injection molding (MIM) professionals from around the world to network and engage in the latest developments and innovations in powder metallurgy technology.


Delivering Traffic to the Exhibit Hall

  • The exhibit hall is open for over 15 hours
  • PM Evening Alehouse, a 90-minute networking reception
  • Poster Display
  • Design Excellence Award entries on display
  • Networking Luncheons on the show floor


Exhibit Hall Hours

*times are subject to change

Sunday, June 15
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit Set-Up
Monday, June 16
10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Open
Tuesday, June 17
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Open
Tuesday, June 17
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Exhibit Tear Down
Wednesday, June 18
8:00 a.m. – Noon
Exhibit Tear Down Continues


Exhibit Space Rates

Rates per 10x10 booth
MPIF Member:                             $4,650 ($46.50 per square foot)
Non- MPIF Member:                    $6,975 ($69.75 per square foot)

First time exhibitors receive a $1,000 discount on the booth fee.

To inquire about MPIF Membership, contact Dora Schember.

Booth Package Includes:
• Unlimited Staffing Booth Only registrations allowing access to the Opening General Session,
  The Design Experience, and the show floor during set-up, dismantle, and show hours.
• Company profile and listing in the conference mobile app.
• Company listing on the PowderMet2025 and AMPM2025 websites.
• 8’ draped back wall and 3’ draped side rails
• 24-hour security •Booth ID sign

Secure Your Booth Today!


PowderMet2025/AMPM2025 Exhibit Floorplan                    Exhibit Booth Reservation Form
(white booths are available)                                                                          

Sponsorship Opportunities

To receive additional visibility and exposure, consider adding a Sponsorship.

For more details or questions, contact Diane Haggerty, CMP.



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