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Opening General Session, Industry Awards, and Keynote Presentation


Monday, June 16
8:00–10:15 a.m.

The conference will open with welcome remarks from MPIF Executive Director/CEO, James P. Adams. MPIF President, Mike Stucky, will share the State of the Industry report as well.

Additionally, key industry individuals identified to receive major industry awards including the Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy Awards, and the APMI Fellow Awards.

Keynote Presentation

Steve Goreham

Industry in Transformation: How Will the New Tariff Positions Impact Automotive OEMs and Suppliers?
James Martin
Director – Consulting Services, S&P Global Mobility

This presentation will offer a comprehensive global and regional overview of production and sales forecasts, along with a high-level perspective on propulsion systems. James will delve into the current landscape of the auto industry, highlighting key geopolitical and economic factors. He'll provide a compelling "so what does this mean?" analysis, connecting these insights directly to the interests of the powder metallurgy industry. Join us to gain a deeper understanding of how these dynamics impact our field.







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