MIM2025 Home Schedule Exhibitor Info Sponsorship Info General Info Registration/Hotel
Monday, February 24
Registration - Conference Attendees
9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
PIM Tutorial (Separate Fee)
10:00 a.m.–12:45 p.m.
MIMA Standards Committee Meeting (MIMA Standards Committee Members Only) Includes Lunch
1:00–1:45 p.m.
MIMA Board of Directors Meeting (MIMA Board Members Only)
2:00–4:00 p.m.
MIMA Membership Meeting (MIMA Members Only)
5:30–7:30 p.m.
Welcome Reception at ARBURG, Inc., 51 Doppler, Irvine, CA 92618
Tuesday, February 25
7:00–8:00 a.m.
Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m.–Noon
Technical Sessions/Process & Product Innovation
Noon–1:00 p.m.
1:00–4:30 p.m.
5:30–7:00 p.m.
Tabletop Exhibition & Networking Reception Bar Sponsored by Kymera International
Wednesday, February 26
Continental Breakfast
Technical Sessions
* Program subject to change.
This course is an ideal way for anyone looking for a solid grounding in the technology of PIM to obtain a comprehensive foundation in a short period of time. Topics that will be covered include:
This icon symbolizes research and development inspired by Professor Rand German through his direct involvement, teaching, and/or mentorship.
Innovative Solutions in Six-String Guitar Capo Assembly: Overcoming Design Challenges for Paige Musical David Smith, APG-MIM
Low-Pressure Powder Injection Molding (LP-PIM) of Metals and Ceramics Animesh Bose, FAPMI, AMfgLabs LLC
Case History of the Material Development Process for MIM Inconel 713C Gregory Goto, Parmatech Corporation
Synergizing Metal Injection Molding and Materials Extrusion: Enhancing Manufacturing Flexibility and Performance José M. Torralba, FAPMI, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
MIM Standards Activity Update Michael Stucky, Norwood Medical, MIMA Standards Committee Chair
Improving Surface Finish in Powder Part Manufacturing Luke Thimons, Surface Design Solutions, Inc.
Exploring Lithography-based Metal Manufacturing Technology for High-Precision Metal Components in Healthcare György A. Harakaly, Incus GmbH
Particle Size Effects in MIM Matthew Bulger, ATPM Consulting
From CISP to DYPAM & BLESOL TECH: The Journey of MIM from Spain's First Doctoral Thesis to Industrial Innovation Gemma Herranz Sánchez-Cosgalla, University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)
Development of Nickel Free Stainless Steel for MIM Thomas W. Pelletiers, Kymera International
Sintering Simulation and Automatic Shape Compensation for Shrinkage During Binder Jet Sintering Process Pavan Suri, HP Inc.
Sintering Studies Inspired by RMG T S Shivashankar, INDO-MIM LIMITED
Hybrid Manufacturing (SLA + MIM) of Copper Alloy for Fanless Heatsink Applications Krishna Sai Aparna Munjuluri, University of Louisville
Sintering Simulation by Integrating Results from Injection Molding in Metal Injection Molding Cristoph Hinse, SimpaTec Inc.
A Synergy Approach Integrating Master Alloy Design and Powder Injection Moulding for High-performance Interconnectors Leveraging SOFCs Industry Elena de Lamo Riuz, University of Castilla La Mancha
Use of Sinter-Based Additive Manufacturing as a Bridge to Production for Metal Injection Molding Production David Smith, APG-MIM
Powder Injection Molding of Thermal Management Materials John L. Johnson, FAPMI, Novamet/Ultra Fine Specialty Products
Additive Manufacturing of 6061 Aluminum Alloy by Material Extrusion (MEX) Kunal Kate, University of Louisville
Development of Innovative Ti Alloy through MIM Hideshi Miura, FAPMI, Kyushu University
Microstructural Evolution of WC/Co Alloys with V Additions Joseph Strauss, FAPMI, HJE Company, Inc.
Elevating Aerospace Materials: Powder Injection Molding of Graphene-Reinforced Components Álvaro Garcia Juarez, University of Castilla La Mancha
Pressed-and-Sintered Parts with MIM Powders Kuen-Shyang Hwang, National Taiwan University
Hot Disk Thermal Characterization of Copper Powder and AM Copper Parts Artem A. Trofimov, The Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation
The Magic of Cleaning with Dry Ice in MIM Anthony Valenta, Cold Jet
Advancements in Furnace Technology: Then, Now and What the Future Holds Stefan Joens, Elnik Systems