Michael Stucky, Business Unit Director, Norwood Medical, Bellbrook,
Ohio, has been elected the 32nd president of the Metal Powder
Industries Federation, succeeding Rodney Brennen, Metco Industries,
St. Marys, Pennsylvania. His two-year term began at the conclusion of
the Federation’s annual MPIF Business Meeting, October 28–30, in
Louisville, Kentucky.
Stucky has worked at Norwood for the past 11 years. Previously, he
worked for 11 years at NetShape Technologies and 10 years at PCC
Airfoils, Inc. Mike is very active within MPIF and the Metal Injection
Molding Association (MIMA), having served on the MPIF Board of
Governors as MIMA President. He is Chairman of the MIMA
Standards Committee, MIMA representative on the MPIF Technical
Board, and was a co-chair of the PowderMet2023, MIM2017, and MIM2018 conferences. Over the
years he has served on the PowderMet and AMPM Technical Program Committees. Mike received
the Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy Award in 2019.