Outstanding Technical Paper Authors Recognized
The 2016 Howard I Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award was given to Neal P. Kraus, graduate student (now employed by Hoeganaes Corporation); Richard L. Hexemer, Jr., principal engineer, GKN Sinter Metals; Ian W. Donaldson, FAPMI, director of advanced engineering applications, GKN Sinter Metals, LLC; and D. Paul Bishop, professor, Dalhousie University; for their paper "Consolidation of Aerospace-Grade Aluminum 7055 Powder Via Sinter-Forge Processing." The paper was selected from among the highly qualified manuscripts that were presented at the POWDERMET2016 conference in Boston and critically evaluated for the prestigious award. The authors were officially recognized during the Industry Luncheon held during POWDERMET2017 in Las Vegas.
The Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award (renamed in 2009), was established in 1993 to recognize authors of manuscripts for excellence in scientific and technical written communications from those papers presented and submitted for publication from the annual technical conference organized by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) and APMI International; to enhance the quality of technology transfer in the PM literature by increasing the professional level of papers submitted for the annual technical conference; and, to enhance and promote the science and technology which is fundamental to powder metallurgy products, processes, and materials.
Paper excellence is measured using a system of four quality standards: (1) the paper is scientifically or technically new, innovative, or is a constructive review; (2) has clear presentation in writing, organization, Graphics, format, and has professional integrity; (3) has clear industrial application; and (4) has long-term value.
Editor's Note: For further information contact Dora Schember at dschember@mpif.org or (609) 452-7700
About the Metal Powder Industries Federation
Metal Powder Industries Federation is the North American trade association formed by the powder metallurgy industry to advance the interests of the metal powder producing and consuming industries and provides a single point of reference for all MPIF member companies.
About APMI International
APMI International is a non-profit professional society which promotes the advancement of powder metallurgy and particulate materials as a science. Its purpose is to disseminate and exchange information about PM and particulate materials through publications, conferences, and other activities of the society.