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Registration Opens for 2020 Metal Injection Molding Conference

Registration has opened for MIM2020: International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides—the only international powder and metal injection molding conference of the year. MIM2020 is a global conference and tabletop exhibition highlighting advances in the metal injection molding (MIM) industry. The conference will take place in Irvine, California, at the Hotel Irvine, March 2–4, 2020.

Conference Highlights

  • Keynote Speaker Randall M. German, FAPMI, San Diego State University
  • Tabletop Exhibition & Networking Reception
  • Two days of technical sessions
  • Offsite Tour at ARBURG

“The metal injection molding industry is an innovative and highly competitive marketplace,” explains Paul Sedor, vice president, member and industry relations, Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF). “The annual MIM conference provides an optimal venue for gaining industry insight and learning about the latest technology.”

Last year’s MIM2019 attracted over 150 attendees representing 95 companies from 15 countries. Attendees consisted of 38% parts manufacturers; 30% equipment & service providers; 11% powder and feedstock suppliers; 5% consumers; and 16% other, which includes students and academia. A similar attendance base is expected for 2020.

The PIM industry is composed of metal injection molding, ceramic injection molding, and cemented carbide injection molding—an advanced manufacturing industry with sales assessed at nearly $2 billion globally. This conference will provide a venue for the latest technology transfer.

Optional: The annual PIM Tutorial will be presented by industry veteran Randall M. German, FAPMI, Prof. Emeritus, San Diego State University, on Monday, March 2. The Tutorial will provide a basis for determining options, uses, properties, applications, and opportunities for cost-effective PIM manufacturing.

For additional details, please visit MIM2020.org.

This conference is sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), APMI International, and the Metal Injection Molding Association, a trade association of MPIF.

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Editor's Note: For further information contact Bill Edwards at bedwards@mpif.org or (609) 452-7700.

About the Metal Powder Industries Federation
Metal Powder Industries Federation is the North American trade association formed by the powder metallurgy industry to advance the interests of the metal powder producing and consuming industries and provides a single point of reference for all MPIF member companies.

About APMI International
APMI International is a non-profit professional society which promotes the advancement of powder metallurgy and particulate materials as a science. Its purpose is to disseminate and exchange information about PM and particulate materials through publications, conferences, and other activities of the society.

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