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AMPM2017—Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference Program & Registration Available

The program for the fourth annual Additive Manufacturing (AM) with Powder Metallurgy (PM) conference, AMPM2017, is available online and registration is now open. Featuring worldwide industry experts presenting on the latest developments in the fast-growing field of metal additive manufacturing, the conference will be held June 13–15, 2017, at the Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada.

This year's conference opening general session will feature the keynote presentation "Navigating the Metal Additive Manufacturing Landscape" with speaker Todd Grimm, T.A. Grimm & Associates. Moreover, the technical program is more robust than ever before with over 70 technical presentations. AMPM2017 shares several events and an exhibit hall with the co-located POWDERMET2017, the International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, where more than 100 exhibitors will showcase PM and metal AM processing equipment, powders, and products.

"Over the last several years, AMPM conferences have become a critical resource for anyone interested in the development of materials, applications, and process economics relating to the metal AM world," stated Dan Messina, technical manager, Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF). "We are also excited that the National Science Foundation has sponsored a grant to encourage students to attend our co-located conference POWDERMET2017, which includes admission to AMPM2017."

AMPM2017 is sponsored by MPIF and APMI International.

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Editor's Note: For further information contact Dan Messina at dmessina@mpif.org or (609) 452-7700

About the Metal Powder Industries Federation
Metal Powder Industries Federation is the North American trade association formed by the powder metallurgy industry to advance the interests of the metal powder producing and consuming industries and provides a single point of reference for all MPIF member companies.

About APMI International
APMI International is a non-profit professional society which promotes the advancement of powder metallurgy and particulate materials as a science. Its purpose is to disseminate and exchange information about PM and particulate materials through publications, conferences, and other activities of the society.

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