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MPIF 2024 Design Excellence Winners Announced


The winners in the 2024 Powder Metallurgy (PM) Design Excellence Awards competition, sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), demonstrate outstanding examples of PM’s diversity and ability to meet critical requirements. From electric vehicles to medical implants, once again, parts fabricators have demonstrated PM’s versatility and unique ability to challenge competing technologies. These award-winning components use PM’s flexibility to push forward new concepts and process controls to demonstrate the inexhaustible range of PM’s capabilities.

Watch the Videos:     Grand Prizes     Awards of Distinction

Pittsburgh Welcomes the PM Industry with Open Arms

After more than 30 years away, the powder metallurgy (PM) industry reconvened in Pittsburgh for PowderMet2024 and AMPM2024 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Returning to pre-COVID registration levels, 886 delegates from 25 countries took part in technical presentations, special interest programs, educational tutorials, and the largest PM exhibit in the Americas. The trade exhibition featured companies highlighting the latest raw materials, equipment, and services. The annual poster display was robust thanks to 45 students that received conference grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Center for Powder Metallurgy Technology (CPMT).


Todd Leonhardt

Todd Leonhardt, passed away on May 29. Todd was director of research and development and chief metallurgist for Rhenium Alloys Inc. An expert on high-temperature refractory metals, Todd spent over 25 years working with rhenium and rhenium-containing alloys. Todd was active in MPIF and served as President of the Refractory Metals Association (RMA) from 2014–2018, receiving the MPIF Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy in 2023.

Winner! Winner!

Left to right: Tom Corbett receives prize from APMI president Rob Hayes

APMI International is pleased to announce the winner of the PowderMet2024 conference registration giveaway! Tom Corbett of JIT Tooling was the lucky winner of a Full Conference registration package. Tom was entered into the drawing through his support of the industry by attending the majority of the West Penn Chapter technical sessions this season. 

Be sure and congratulate Tom when you see him at the conference!

One Month Until Pittsburgh!

The Powder Metallurgy industry will gather at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh for PowderMet2024 & AMPM2024, June 16-19. The premier event of the Americas on powder metallurgy and metal additive manufacturing, the conferences will:

•    Announce the winners of the Design Excellence Competition
•    Offer knowledge transfer through technical sessions and Special Interest Programs
•    Showcase leading powder producers, equipment manufacturers, and service providers
•    Provide unprecedented networking opportunities
•    Introduce over 40 NSF and CPMT conference grant recipients 
