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Recipients of the 2023 Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy Award.

The Metal Powder Industries Federation is seeking nominations for the MPIF Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy Award. This award recognizes those who devoted the major part of their working careers to one or more segments of PM, and whose long-term contributions and achievements deserve special recognition for outstanding and distinguished service.

Winners of America Makes’ Latest $6M Materials Project Announced

The National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM) and America Makes have announced the recipients of the $6 million Powder Alloy Development for Additive Manufacturing (PADAM) project.

Supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the PADAM project, announced in August last year, aims to improve AM for aerospace and defense applications by focusing on data-driven approaches to novel AM metal materials. It focuses on advancing high-temperature metals and is divided into two areas: $3.6 million for High-Temperature Refractory Alloys and $2.4 million for High-Temperature Nickel-Based Superalloys.

2024 Outstanding Technical Papers Awarded

The MPIF Technical Board has critically evaluated and completed its review of the highly qualified manuscripts that were presented at the PowderMet2024 and AMPM2024 conferences in Pittsburgh for the prestigious Outstanding Technical Paper Awards.

ORNL’s Additive Manufacturing Datasets Now Available

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak ridge, Tennessee, has released a new set of metal additive manufacturing (AM) data that industry and researchers can use to evaluate and improve the quality of AM components. The data can significantly boost efforts to verify the quality of the parts using only information gathered during AM, without requiring expensive and time-consuming post-production analysis.

AM part and its digital sample.

An AM part is sliced into small pieces, each of which is tested for tensile strength. A digital copy of the same AM part is analyzed by an AI model to locate anomalies within its structure.

Tungsten and Refractory Metals Self-Study Course Released

MPIF has announced the release of another self-study course on the Fundamental Principles of Processing Tungsten and Other Refractory Materials. Instructed by Dr. Randall German, FAPMI and Dr. John Johnson, FAPMI, the course is intended to provide a solid framework of tungsten, refractory, heavy alloy, W-Cu composites, and cemented carbide powder production, shaping and consolidation options, and sintering. 

The course contains twelve (12) pre-recorded segments, averaging an hour each, and will be open to the registrant for two months from the date of purchase.
