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GE Aviation Reaches Twin 100,000-unit Manufacturing Milestones

Two GE Aviation facilities producing advanced jet engine components recently passed major production milestones—one facility shipped the 100,000th CMC turbine shroud, the other the 100,000th metal AM fuel nozzle tip.

CMCs, jet engine additively manufactured fuel nozzle GE Aviation


PM Flashback

Volume 7, No. 6, August 1978

P/M Tool Steels Poised for Growth 
Hoganas Designs Automatic P/M Forging Process 
Pyron Sales and Earnings Up 
National Sintered Alloys Expands 
Gould Inc. Advocates P/M Titanium for New Dollar Coin 
Ohio Bronze Relocates Offices 
IITRI Buys Hot Pressing System to Prove New Process 
Hoeganaes Introduces Distaloy High Compressibility Steel Powders 
Guide Helps Select P/M Materials for Parts 
Call for Papers-P/M '79 
P/M Stainless Steel Tube Maker Joins Federation 
P/M '80 Program Co-Chairmen Appointed 
Section Happenings 
People in the News
P/M Related Patents 
Calendar of P/M Events 

Standardization of 3D Printing

The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), Aachen, Germany, has received an award for decades of development in the field of Additive Manufacturing: The institute won a competition conducted by ASTM International and is now working on a project towards standardization of machine condition monitoring in laser beam powder bed fusion (LB-PBF). It is focusing on selecting and qualifying imaging sensor technology that can be used to specifically monitor the condition of LB-PBF systems. The institute will derive cost-reducing recommendations for end users from these data.

APMI Members Select Manuscript

To support and promote quality technology transfer, we offer the following select manuscript, which was highly rated during judging of the AMPM2021 Metal Additive Manufacturing Outstanding Technical Paper Award review process by the MPIF Technical Board.

This APMI “Members Only” benefit is located on the APMI site and is open only to APMI members.

Effect of Atomization Method and Post-Processing Treatments on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Alloys Manufactured via Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Leandro Feitosa

To view the manuscript, login at www.apmiinternational.org and then enter the APMI Member Portal.

MPIF Donates to Food Bank

During the closing night event “An All-American BBQ”, at PowderMet2021, Orlando, Florida, the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) announced their donation to the Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida.
