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MIM2022 Goes Hybrid

The 2022 International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides will be offered in a hybrid format, with delegates electing to be in-person or attending virtually.  As a bonus, all technical session registrants will be eligible to attend the PIM Tutorial.  

Cobalt-Chromium-Molybdenum Alloy Kills COVID-19 in Minutes

The November 2021 International Journal of Molecular Sciences online article “3D Printed Cobalt-Chromium-Molybdenum Porous Superalloy with Superior Antiviral Activity” reviews research investigating the novel use of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) to additive manufacture (AM) a porous Cobalt-Chromium-Molybdenum (Co-Cr-Mo) superalloy with potent antiviral activity (100% viral inactivation in 30 min). The Co-Cr-Mo material, commonly used in industrial AM medical and aerospace applications, exhibited superior antiviral properties, outperforming common antiviral metals such as silver and copper.

New Additively Manufactured Satellite

Development of the metal AM Alpha satellite. (Courtesy Fleet Space Technologies)

Fleet Space Technologies, Beverley, Australia, announced the planned development of a ‘constellation’ of metal AM satellites within the year. Aided by a recent $26.4 million Series B investment, the startup has expanded the scope of its dedicated R&D to create the Alpha satellite. The company believes this to be the world’s first entirely additively manufactured satellite, and it integrates Fleet’s advanced beamforming technology and patented antennas.

MIM is a Perfect Fit for Fitbit

The new Fitbit Luxe™, a fitness and wellness tracker from Fitbit, San Francisco, California, features a metal injection molding (MIM) stainless steel case. MIM was selected due to its precision and ability to provide “jewelry-like” appearance. The company believes the design is one of its most fashionable and comfortable devices yet.
