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MIT Unveils Grain Size Study for Stronger Metals

There are many ways to create metals in shapes needed for different purposes. However, these processes affect the sizes and shapes of the tiny crystalline grains that make up the bulk metal. A new Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study determines what happens as these crystal grains form during an extreme deformation process, down to a few nanometers across at the tiniest scales.

NASA's New Metal AM Aerospace Alloy

NASA, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has developed an all-new metal 3D printing alloy specially designed for use in high-performance aerospace systems. Combining strength and durability, GRX-810 is an example of an oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloy: a metal containing nanoscale oxide particles. The material can reportedly withstand temperatures of over 1090°C (2000°F), all while being more malleable than existing aerospace alloys.

A turbine engine combustor 3D printed at NASA Glenn using GRX-810. Photo via NASA.

HIP’22 Call for Papers Extended to May 25

The HIP’22 – International Conference on Hot Isostatic Pressing Call for Papers deadline has been extended to May 25. This triennial event, to be held September 11-14, 2022, in Columbus, Ohio, was rescheduled from 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. HIP’22 is the only international conference dedicated to hot isostatic pressing. All aspects of HIP are expected to be covered, and the conference is a great platform to present ideas, developments, and provide historical perspective. For more information or to submit an abstract, visit HIP2022.com.

Indian Researchers Produce Low-Cost Technique for Metal AM Powders

Photo courtesy of the Indian Institute of Science.

A team of researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc)  has identified an alternative process to produce metal powders. Led by Department of Mechanical Engineering Assistant Professor Koushik Viswanathan, the researchers state that abrasion produced metal powders are excellent candidates for high-performance applications such as in aircraft engines and biomedical implants.

Portland? Wouldn’t miss it!

MPIF Industry Development Board Chairman Scott Davis, Hoeganaes Corporation, shared his perspective on the upcoming PowderMet2022 & AMPM2022 conferences to be held June 12-15 in Portland, Oregon.

What is the big deal about Portland, Oregon?

This is a new city for MPIF. Portland, like Austin, Texas, share the similar “Keep Portland Weird” slogan, and the city lives up to its slogan. I recently vacationed in Oregon, and Portland is a fabulous city. The Portland light rail and streetcar transportation systems make the different areas of the city easily accessible. Every type of ethnic food is represented, and Portland has arguably the best microbreweries in the U.S. The city is rich with logging history, and where else can you find a city named after a coinflip? You really would have to work at not having a good time in Portland.
