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Carney Flowmeter Funnel Calibration Powder Now Available

The MPIF/MPPA Standards Committee approved MPIF Standard 75 - Determination of Flow Rate of Metal Powders Using the Carney Flowmeter Funnel (available from MPIF in the 2022 edition of Standard Test Methods for Metal Powders and Powder Metallurgy Products), a new test method standard for measuring the flow rate of non-free-flowing metal powders using the Carney flowmeter funnel. To date, no Carney funnels have been calibrated for testing flow rate—they have only been supplied for testing the apparent density of non-free flowing metal powders. The committee has recently approved a standard calibration powder to be used to calibrate Carney funnels.

$3.7 Million NIST Awards Support Metal Additive Manufacturing

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has awarded $3.7 million in grants to help address current and future barriers to widespread adoption of metal additive manufacturing (AM) through measurement science research.

PM Flashback

Volume 24, No. 5 - July/August 1995


Call-for-Papers PM2TEC '96 World Congress
PMT Certification Test on October 14 
Hoeganaes Offers Insulated Powders for Electromagnetic Applications
Sinter Metals Buys Swedish P/M Parts Maker
Drever to Deliver Powder Annealing and Reduction Furnace
Lonza Increases Acrawax Capacity
European Industry Recovers
Basic P/M Short Course
Advanced P/M Short Course
Cobalt 95 Conference
NCEMT Open House on September 27
MPIF Publication News
Anniversary Members Honored
Section Meeting Dates
People in the News
Dates to Remember

3D Printed Fuel Nozzles Increase Fuel Economy 15% for Delta and Qatar

LEAP 1-B engine, courtesy of CFM International.

GE Aerospace has announced revenue rose by 27% in Q2 2022 thanks to new additive manufactured (AM) fuel nozzle-enabled engine sales. The revenue boost is thanks to its sale of over 200 CFM International LEAP-1B engines to major clients Delta Air Lines and Qatar Airways. The engines feature AM fuel nozzles that are 15% more fuel efficient than CFM56 alternatives. As part of the July 2022 agreement, the engines will soon be fitted to the customers’ fleets of Boeing 737-10 aircraft, allowing them to be more sustainable and reduce fuel consumption.
