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PM Flashback

Volume 10, No. 4, May/June 1981


Industry Recovery Ahead
AMAX Bows Out of Copper Powder Business
Glidden Metals Sells P/M Tooling Company
Singer Curtailing P/M Parts Production at West German Plant
Gould to Sell Industrial Group
Gould St. Thomas Expands
Gorham Sponsors Containerless HIP Study
P/M Part-of-the-Year Competition Winners Announced
Philadelphia -A Great Experience
Basic P/M Short Course - June 17-19
P/M Related Patents
People in the News

Czinger Unveils the First Metal AM Aluminum Gearbox

Car manufacturer Czinger has unveiled a metal AM gearbox that was made using topological optimization. The 7-speed semi-sequential AM gearbox developed with Xtrac, Berkshire, England, was produced without any tooling with an aluminum alloy. The resulting gearbox has better structural performance with significant savings, and is a first for the automotive industry.
