APMI Members Benefit – Talk ‘N Technology
Talk 'N Technology presentations are provided by student grant recipients at the annual PowderMet and AMPM conferences. To further advance the excellent research & development by the grant recipients and their universities, APMI will provide the students’ presentations and posters to its members as a benefit.
This APMI “Members Only” benefit is located on the APMI site and is open only to APMI members. Login at www.apmiinternational.org and then enter the APMI Member Portal.
May 2024 Presentations and Posters:
Additive Manufacturing of Aluminum Alloy by Metal Fused Filament Fabrication (MF3)
Sihan Zhang, University of Louisville
Machine Learning In Powdered Metallurgy
Cole Walker, University of Utah
Adhesion of Powder onto Tools During Compaction
David Freiberg, Drexel University
Microstructural Control of a Multi-Phase PH Steel Printed with Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Brandon Fields, University of California, Irvine
Studying the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed 718 Super-alloy After Plasma-enhanced Magnetron Sputtering
Amir Yahyaeian, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis