Registration Opens for MIM2018
Registration has opened for MIM2018: International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides—the only international powder and metal injection molding conference of the year. To be held March 5–7, 2018, MIM2018 is a global conference and tabletop exhibition that highlights advances in the powder injection molding (PIM) industry. The conference will take place in Irvine, California, at the Hotel Irvine.
Conference Highlights
- Keynote speaker, Benedikt Blitz, SMR Premium, will present an "Update on Forged Special Steels, Remelting and Powder Metallurgy."
- Tabletop Exhibition & Networking Reception (refreshments sponsored by PIM International).
- All conference and tutorial attendees are invited on a tour of molding machine manufacturer ARBURG (admittance subject to approval by ARBURG).
- The annual PIM Tutorial presented by industry veteran Randall M. German, FAPMI, Prof. Emeritus, San Diego State University, Monday, March 5, will provide a basis for determining options, uses, properties, applications, and opportunities for cost-effective PIM manufacturing.
"The annual MIM conference is an excellent place for product designers, engineers, consumers, students, and more, to network and broaden their industry knowledge," explains Jim Adams, executive director/CEO, Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF).
MIM2017 attendance continued with an upward trend, and attendees consisted of 24% equipment & service providers; 21% powder and feedstock suppliers; 20% consumers; 23% parts manufacturers; and 13% other. A similar attendance base is expected.
The PIM industry is composed of metal injection molding, ceramic injection molding, and cemented carbide injection molding—an advanced manufacturing industry with sales assessed at nearly $2 billion globally. This conference will provide a venue for the latest technology transfer.
For additional details, please visit the MIM2018 website at
This conference is sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation, APMI International, and the Metal Injection Molding Association, a trade association of Metal Powder Industries Federation.