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Charter Membership Is Open for AMAM

Companies specializing in one of the fastest growing metal-forming technologies, metal additive manufacturing (AM), have formed the Association for Metal Additive Manufacturing (AMAM). Housed underneath the Metal Powder Industries Federation, the world’s leading trade organization serving the interests of the metal powder producing and consuming industries, AMAM is composed of companies that wish to lead the direction of the metal AM industry.

The AMAM Board of Directors met with charter members during the recent MPIF PM Management Summit, Naples, Florida, in October, to discuss and vote on association bylaws, as well as to form four committees. The committees are as follows:

  • Environmental, Health & Safety: Initial priorities will be safe powder handling, and the identification and distribution of safety/health information to member companies.
  • Marketing: Initial priorities will be gathering information from end users on high-priority commercialization priorities, the development of case studies to show additive strengths and capabilities, and the development of an AMAM-specific website.
  • Membership: Initial priority will be to identify and pursue prospective members for AMAM.
  • Technical: This group will focus on standards development and technical outreach to the AMAM member companies and end users.

Charter members will be accepted through the end of 2018 as the official launch of the association is January 1, 2018. If your company is interested in guiding the future of the metal AM industry, aiding in marketing the industry to the public, and the development of industry standards, visit amamweb.org to learn more about AMAM and how to join.

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