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AMPM2018 Extends Conference and Opens Call for Presentations

Over the last several years, the Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy conference (AMPM) has exceeded all expectations from high-quality technical presentations to conference attendance As a result, AMPM2018 will now be a day longer than previous AMPM conferences, running from June 17–20, 2018, and matching the length of the co-located POWDERMET2018: International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials.

The fifth annual metal additive manufacturing (AM) conference will take place at the Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Texas, and will feature top industry experts in this fast-growing field.

Submission categories include the following:

  • Materials
  • Applications
  • Technical barriers
  • Process economics
  • New developments

"Metal AM is still expanding exponentially," explains Jim Adams, executive director/CEO, Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF). "Due to increased conference participation over the last several years, we've decided to extend AMPM2018 to include three days of technical sessions. Speakers will have more time to explain their research, and attendees will have even more opportunities to learn and grow."

Submissions will be accepted through November 3, 2017. Visit ampm2018.org for details.

The conference is sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation, the North American trade association representing the powder metallurgy industry, and its affiliate APMI International.

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