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MIM2017 Concludes in Orlando

MIM2017 concluded this week in sunny Orlando, Fla. This year's MIM conference was one of the largest to date, with more than 150 delegates in attendance representing nearly 100 companies from 14 countries.

Keynote Presenter Gary Jaworek, Johnson & Johnson, Ethicon Endosurgery Division, kicked off the annual conference events by discussing the role of MIM technology for medical applications in his presentation "MIM Component Needs from the Perspective of a Medical Device Customer." The pre-conference Powder Injection Molding tutorial was presented by Rand German, Professor Emeritus of San Diego State University, and attracted 35 students. A new addition to the conference this year, the Metal Injection Molding Association ran a successful program to provide grants for six students to attend the conference and give technical presentations.

Additionally, 35 companies showcased their products and services during a tabletop exhibit that followed Tuesday's presentations. Twenty-eight of the exhibitors provided "infomercials" for their companies.

The attendance breakdown this year consisted of 24% equipment & service providers, 21% powder & feedstock suppliers, 20% end users/consumers, 23% parts manufacturers, and 13% other.

If you missed MIM2017 and would like to attend next year, mark your calendars for March 5–7, 2018, for MIM2018 in Irvine, California.

Visit MIM2018.org for details!

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