VIRTUAL Basic PM Short Course
Don't Miss This Once in a Lifetime Opportunity
This year only, for the first time in its over 55 years of history, the Basic PM Short Course will be held virtually August 10–12, 2020. This PM industry staple is the best resource for employees who are new to your company or for anyone who needs an update on recent industry developments. Expand your knowledge of the industry to enhance advancement opportunities and broaden your background in the field all from home. No travel, no hotel, and a reduced, virtual-only registration rate discounted through July 8.
The Basic PM Short Course provides a review of:
- PM history, current practices, and the future;
- Why PM is a leading method for producing metal parts;
- The many applications that use PM parts;
- The fine points in designing for PM;
- How metal powders are produced;
- Designs for compacting tools;
- How sintering develops functional properties;
- Various secondary operations;
- MPIF standards and tests;
- Metal injection molding;
- And the latest high-tech PM technologies, including metal additive manufacturing.
Register early to secure a discounted registration rate. Registration includes digital downloads of hundreds of dollars of MPIF books and standards.
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