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PM Webinar Series Begins

In response to the rapidly changing global climate, the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) and APMI International have launched a complimentary, ongoing webinar series for 2020 and beyond for members.

Review all upcoming webinars

The first set of technical webinars are open to MPIF and APMI International members and begin next week. If you are not a member and wish to attend, consider joining APMI International

Ferrous Materials and Properties

Sponsored by North American Höganäs Co.

Wednesday, May 13, at 11 a.m. EST

Cost: Complimentary for MPIF/APMI members

North American Hoganas

Two separate but related presentations on ferrous materials and properties will be given by Brad Morningstar, MPP, and Amber Tims, PMT, North American Höganäs Co.

Brad Morningstar, MPP, will explain the development of high-strength PM alloy that can compete with the properties of wrought 8620 steel alloy in structural applications.

Amber Tims, PMT, North American Höganäs Co., will discuss how different manufacturing methods for achieving high-density powered metallurgy densities affect the mechanical properties of the finished PM components.

Registration Deadline: May 12

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Powder Production for AM, PM and MIM

Sponsored by Rio Tinto

Wednesday, May 20, 11 a.m. EST

Cost: Complimentary for MPIF/APMI members

Rio Tinto Sponsor Banner

The emergence of metal additive manufacturing (AM) and its numerous technologies has created a demand for metal powders with specific characteristics such as particle size distribution, particle morphology, chemical composition, and cost. These requirements are not exactly new and other processes relying on metal powders, such as conventional powder metallurgy (PM) and metal injection molding (MIM), have similar requirements. Presentations will include insightful analyses of metal powders manufactured by different techniques utilized by the PM, MIM and AM industry.

Water-Atomized Metal Powders for PM, AM and MIM: Improvements and Potential Markets
Amin Molavi, Rio Tinto Metal Powders

Powder Flowability: Effect of Temperature, Charges, Air Flow and Humidity on the Measurements
Louis-Philippe Lefebvre, National Research Council Canada

Registration Deadline: May 19

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