Save the Date: WorldPM2020, AMPM2020 & Tungsten2020
Next week a distinguished group of powder metallurgy (PM), metal additive manufacturing (AM), and tungsten and hardmaterials experts will meet to organize the programs for WorldPM2020: World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials; AMPM2020: Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy Conference; and Tungsten2020: International Tungsten, Refractory & Hardmaterials Conference to be co-located and held in Montreal, Canada June 27–July 1, 2020. While we wait on the full program, what else can be anticipated?
Three Conferences Sintered Under One Roof
All full conference registrants can access technical programs across all three co-located conferences!
WorldPM is held only every six years in North America, and 2020 will mark 15 years since Canada has hosted an international PM event. A hub for technology transfer, this conference has an extra day of technical programming over the annual POWDERMET conference and includes an additional General Session on Global PM Industry Trends to be presented by the presidents of global PM associations.
Six years ago, the AMPM conference held its debut at WorldPM2014 in Orlando, Florida. A global success, this conference is stronger than ever before. Potentially the metal powder world’s fastest growing field, metal AM continues to take the world by storm. AMPM2020 features an extra day of technical program this year, too.
Meanwhile, this is the first time since 2014 that the Tungsten conference will be held. Expect a robust program from powder production to computational approaches and more.
One HUGE Exhibit Hall
The exhibit hall combines booths for all three co-located conferences and will be a hub of activity throughout the week. From extensive non-compete time to new luncheons in the exhibit hall and the return of the PM Evening Alehouse, expect the exhibit hall to beat the pulse of the PM industry.
The largest global North American co-located conferences on PM and particulate materials, metal AM, and tungsten, WorldPM2020, AMPM2020, and Tungsten2020 will take the stage this summer. Save the date now and sign-up to receive an announcement when the program launches.