AMPM2019 Issues Call for Papers
An official call for papers and posters has been announced for the conference AMPM2019, Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy, June 23–26, 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona. This leading North American metal additive manufacturing (AM) conference will take place in the heart of Phoenix in the Sheraton Grand. Manuscripts are required, and qualified manuscripts will be eligible for the Metal Additive Manufacturing Outstanding Technical Paper Award.
Topics include
- Materials
- Applications
- Technical barriers
- Process economics
- New developments
“Presenting cutting-edge R&D at AMPM conferences, one of the world’s leading forums on metal additive manufacturing, provides a unique opportunity for technology transfer between peers,” said Joe Strauss, president, HJE Company, Inc., and former AMPM conference co-chair.
Submissions will be accepted through November 9, 2018. Visit for details.
Held with the co-located conference POWDERMET2019, International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, these conferences are sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation, the North American trade association representing the powder metallurgy industry, and its affiliate APMI International.
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Editor's Note: For further information contact Deb Stab at or
(609) 452-7700.
About the Metal Powder Industries Federation
Metal Powder Industries Federation is the North American trade association formed by the powder metallurgy industry to advance the interests of the metal powder producing and consuming industries and provides a single point of reference for all MPIF member companies.
About APMI International
APMI International is a non-profit professional society which promotes the advancement of powder metallurgy and particulate materials as a science. Its purpose is to disseminate and exchange information about PM and particulate materials through publications, conferences, and other activities of the society.