MIM2018 Meets Next Week
MIM2018 will bring together the metal injection molding industry in just a few short days, March 5–7, in Irvine, California. This year's conference is set to be the largest in history with over 180 pre-registered attendees to date. Conference delegates representing 105 companies from 15 countries are attending technical sessions and a tabletop exhibition.
Highlights surrounding this year's conference include:
- Keynote speaker Benedikt Blitz, SMR Premium, presenting on highlights surrounding the recent developments in the world of metal-forming steels;
- A welcome reception and off-site tour at ARBURG;
- A tabletop exhibit and networking reception with 30 exhibitors;
- Seven student-recipients of the MIMA sponsored conference grants.
Registration is still available for MIM2018 online and at the conference. Visit MIM2018.org for details.