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Palais des Congres de Montreal, Montreal, Canada

Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) announces the next WorldPM2026 World Congress & Exhibition will be held June 25-29, 2026, at the Palais des congress de Montreal (Montreal Convention Center) in Montreal, Canada!

Montreal is a charming destination that is quickly becoming one of North America’s leaders in cutting edge innovation—thanks to the booming tech scene powered by the city’s creativity and affordability.  Montreal is one of the top destinations in North America for international association conferences, according to the International Congress and Convention Association.

Co-located with the WorldPM2026—International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials and AMPM2026—Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy conference, these three conferences in one location, under one roof will only further showcase the strength and depth of our industry.

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Technical Program

Delegates will have access to over 400 technical presentations from worldwide experts on the latest research and development.

Exhibit Hall

Leading suppliers of powder metallurgy, particulate materials, and metal additive manufacturing processing equipment, powders, and products.

Networking Events

From the Opening General Session to the Consolidation Celebration, World2026 offers a variety of networking opportunities for all attendees.


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