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AMPM2019 Conference Banner

Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall by the Numbers

Attend the PM industry’s largest tradeshow devoted exclusively to powder metallurgy, particulate materials, and metal additive manufacturing. With over 100 booths, this international marketplace will present leading companies featuring the latest PM & metal AM equipment, powders, products, and services.

Meet industry suppliers all together in one place.

Here is what's happening in the Exhibit Hall

Extended Exhibit Hall Hours

Open for over 12 hours, this year’s hall includes nearly 7 hours of non-compete time.

PM Evening Alehouse

Enjoy a 90-minute networking reception while you tour the exhibit hall—with a glass of wine or cold beer in hand! Sponsored by the Powder Metallurgy Equipment Association.

Exhibitor Game Card—Your Chance to Win Up to $500 Returns

Complete your game card by filling in all 25 squares with stickers from different exhibitors. Turn in a completed game card for a Starbucks gift card and a chance to win one of three grand prizes!

AM/PM Café—Keep the Networking Going…

Meet up for a morning cup of coffee or grab dessert after lunch. Then, tour the exhibit hall.

Poster Display—Bringing Learning into the Hall

Poster authors will be on hand to discuss their posters during the PM Evening Alehouse. To hear even more from the student grant recipients, attend the Grant TNT: Talk 'N Technology sessions.

(See Daily Schedule for details and times.)

Showcase of PM Excellence—2019 PM Design Excellence Award Entries on Display

All entries will be on display in the exhibit hall, with winning parts to be identified following Monday’s Awards Luncheon. This “Showcase of PM Excellence” provides an opportunity to review the latest PM engineering innovations and applications.

Exhibit Hall Montage

Exhibit Hall Hours

Monday, June 24
9:30–11:45 a.m.
(Coffee Break 9:30–11:45 a.m.)

1:45–7:00 p.m.
(Dessert 1:45–2:45 p.m.)
(PM Evening Alehouse 5:30–7:00 p.m.)

Tuesday, June 25
9:00–11:45 a.m.
(Coffee Break 9:00–10:30 a.m.)

1:45–4:30 p.m.
(Dessert 1:45–3:15 p.m.)

Download the Exhibitor Listing (pdf)

Exhibit Hall

"Presenting cutting-edge R&D at AMPM conferences, one of the world's leading forums on metal additive manufacturing, provides a unique opportunity for technology transfer between peers." Joe Strauss, President, HJE Company, Inc.
Sponsored by
MPIF and APMI Logos

Metal Powder Industries Federation:

APMI International
105 College Road East
Princeton, NJ 08540 USA

Phone: (609) 452-7700

Email: info@mpif.org

The Metal Powder Industries Federation is a federation of six trade associations representing various aspects of powder metallurgy (PM), metal powders, and particulate materials. Our mission is to advance the interests of the metal powder producing and consuming industries.
Learn More About the Co-Located Conference: