Membership Benefits
Take advantage of opportunities within the growing powder metallurgy and particulate materials markets by joining with other industry companies to promote programs that influence the awareness and expansion of the technology.
MPIF membership can fine tune your management/marketing strategy by providing you with up-to-date industry news and information. You will receive the following correspondences:
- Member Briefs Newsletter (MPIF members only): Monthly information related to the Federation and its associations.
- Monthly Economic Indicators (MPIF Members only): This report is generally issued twice a month and is a member's only benefit. The Economic Indicators encompasses leading and lagging indicators for U.S. gross domestic product; automotive sales and production; agriculture; firearms; powder shipments; and U.S., Japanese, and European imports and exports. The full report is updated and stored in the MPIF Members Only section of this website.
- PM Confidence Index (MPIF members only): Compare your business condition with others in the industry.
- FocusPM: Powder Metallurgy News & Information: This is a bi-weekly newsletter with PM industry updates from around the world, including updates on companies, PM industry professionals, and more.
- Conferences/Seminars/Pubs: Your connection to information regarding PowderMet, Short Course, Standards, etc.
- APMI International West Penn Chapter: If you are located in the St. Mary's, Pennsylvania, area and you're interested in learning more about APMI International and the monthly West Penn Chapter meetings, this is the list for you!
MPIF is able to deal more effectively with industry-wide problems and threats, such as those posed by environmental forces, safety and health regulations, unfair trade practices, or competitive processes/materials.
Association and Federation income is all member-directed toward support of various programs that influence the awareness and expansion of the technology, such as:
- management information
- annual technical conferences & exhibits
- technical and professional education
- publications
- industry marketing
- government relations
- statistics
- technology development
- standards
- technology transfer
Member companies participate in committees and boards such as:
- Roadmap Committee
- Standards and Statistics Committees
- Technical Board
- Industry Development Board
In addition, each individual association may offer other benefits specific to the needs of its members.