Join the Metal Powder Industries Federation
Join in a cooperative effort to promote powder metallurgy and other particulate-based processes as a technology. Add your company's voice to the promotion of industry growth and the future of the powder metallurgy and particulate materials industry.
Membership in MPIF puts you at the center of the PM industry, within an organization where a free exchange of ideas and information strengthens the decision-making process, and where personal relationships are nurtured for a lifetime.
Download the appropriate membership application, which includes a full listing of member benefits.
If you have any questions, concerns, or require additional information regarding corporate membership in any of the federated associations, please contact:
Dora Schember
Manager, Member Services & Standards
Metal Powder Industries Federation
105 College Road East
Princeton, N.J., 08540-6622
Telephone (609) 452-7700
MPIF membership is limited to business entities. Individuals having an interest in the PM industry and technology are encouraged to join APMI International, a professional society serving the needs of such individuals.